DEI Culture Assessments


As a social scientist, Dr. Paula Ioanide uses her data analysis skills to conduct thorough DEI Culture Assessments using a mix of surveys and focus group interviews. This allows organizations to understand their current DEI strengths and challenges. Findings from DEI Assessments are used to inform DEI Strategic Planning and Implementation approaches.

Racial/Ethnic/Gender Disparity Assessments

1-2 MONTH +

Paula also conducts data analysis for organizations on racial/ethnic disparities. Such data analyses are useful in guiding organizations on possible interventions to reduce racial/ethnic disparities. For example, a county may want to better understand racial/ethnic and gender disparities in homeless services in order to determine whether their risk assessment instrument is potentially biased.

Please visit Rise to Equity Excellence, LLC’s FAQ page on how data is collected and analyzed. Our goal is to offer intersectional data analysis while protecting participants’ identities and responses.

Recent Assessments:

Ithaca Youth Bureau, City of Ithaca

Alternatives Federal Credit Union

Cattaraugus County Balance of State/Continuum of Care

Ultimate Reentry Opportunity Initiative

If you are interested in discussing your business or organization's needs, please send an inquiry to